OS_GUID Field in SAP | Globally Unique Identifier Data Element using tables

OS_GUID is a data element in SAP used for storing Globally Unique Identifier data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this OS_GUID field in SAP.

  • Data Element : OS_GUID
  • Description : Globally Unique Identifier
  • Data Type :RAW

Globally Unique Identifier tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using OS_GUID Field

AGS_TD_FEEDBACKSAGS: Store all the feedback data from asynchronous release
BBPD_OR_INVHUBObject Link: Invoice/Invoice Template to Reference Document
BBPD_OR_PCOObject Link: Purchase Order/Order Confirmation
BBPD_OR_SUSPCOObject Link: SUS Purchase Order/Order Confirmation
BBPD_OVE_OBRELObject Linkage Purch. Doc. / Online Vendor Evaln
BBP_OUTPUT_PPFPersistence Output Action and Business Object
BBP_PD_TEMPL_XMLTable for XML Issue Templates
BBP_PD_XMLTable for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
BCSD_ENVIDMapping Envelope ID - Request ID
BCST_BORBCS: Folder for Semantic and Technical BOR Object Key
BCST_CAMPersistence of a BAS Address
BCST_DLBCS: Folder for Semantic and Technical DL Key
BCST_NOTEMapping: Send Order GUID -> SAPOffice Doc. ID of Note
BCST_OUBCS: Folder for Semantic and Technical Org. Units Key
BCST_PPFMDPersistence of BCS Medium for PPF
BCST_REBCS: Status of Recipient Entries
BCST_RESPOBCS: Persistence of a Spool/Print Recipient
BCST_RETEBCS: Status of Technical Recipients
BCST_ROBCS: Folders for Semantic and Technical SAP Role Keys
BCST_SFSmart Forms Database Table CL_SMART_FORM_BCS
BCST_SRBCS: Status of Send Orders
BCST_SUBCS: Folder for Semantic and Technical SAP User Key
BEAD_PPFTable Showing Persistence for CL_BEA_PPF incl. BEA Name
BUT000_BCSPersistence of a BAS Address
CMSD_RO_OUTPUTResale Order PPF: Persistent Table
CMS_SHPDescription of a Ship - Master Table
CPETASKLOGDatabase table with log information for Ad hoc Workflow
FPIA_INTERESTTable for Penalty Interest
JHAP_PPFIS-M: PPF Order Item in Advertising Management
JPTTITLERELObject Relationship Service: Title Relationships
JPTTITLERELATTRObject Relationship Service: Attributes for Title Relnships
LOYD_MSH_MEMSLoyalty Membership Table
MEMPAMONITORAlert ID: Reply Details for MPA
N2RADMPPSIS-H*MED RAD: RIS Modality Performed Procedure Step Object
NCEM_REG_EVENTSaves Events in Relation to Event Handler
NCPPF_M_ALEPPF: Data for ALE Medium Runtime Class
NCPPF_M_ALE_CUSTPPF: Data for ALE Medium Runtime Class
NCPPF_M_ALE_TMPLPPF: Data for ALE Medium Template Class
NWECMD_CONTENTnwecm: persistent table of (file) content
NWECMD_LOCKTable for persistent Lock objects
NWECMD_NODEtable for persistent node objects
NWECMD_PROPERTYStable for persistent properties objects
NWECMD_RELATIONSnwecm: persistent representation of relations
NWECMD_VALUEtable for persistent value objects
OSEXNODE01OS: Examples Node 01
OSEXTREE01OS: Examples Tree 01
OSTESTCL01Object Services Testklasse 01 Tabelle
OSTESTCL02Object Services Testklasse 02 Tabelle
OSTESTCL03Object Services Testklasse 03 Tabelle - Business Key only
OSTESTCL04Object Services Testklasse 04 Tabelle - OID only
OSVERI01Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / Mapping Type OID
OSVERI03Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / Mapping Type BKOID
OSVERI04Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / TypeMapping Type BKey
OSVERI07Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / TypeMapping Type OID
OSVERI08Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / TypeMapping Type OID
OSVERI09Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / TypeMapping Type OID
OSVERI10Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / TypeMapping Type BkOID
OSVERI11Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / TypeMapping Type BkOID
OSVERI12Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / TypeMapping Type BkOID
OSVERI13Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / TypeMapping Type BKey
OSVERI16Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / TypeMapping Type GUID
OSVERI19Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / TypeMapping Type BkOID
OSVERIK03Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / Mapping Type BKey
OSVERIK03AObject Services: Tabelle für VERIS / Mapping Type BKey
OSVERIK03BObject Services: Tabelle für VERIS / Mapping Type BKey
OSVERIV01Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / Mapping Type OID
OSVERIV03Object Services: Tabelle für VERIS / Mapping Type OID
OSVERI_LEADManager: Beispieltabelle für die Verwendung von ABAP OS
OSVERI_PRJProjekt: Beispieltabelle für die Verwendung von ABAP OS
OSVERI_RESPVerarntwortlicher: Beispieltabelle für die Verw. von ABAP OS
OSVERI_STAFFMitarbeiter: Beispieltabelle für die Verwendung von ABAP OS
OSVERI_TASKTask: Beispieltabelle für die Verwendung von ABAP OS
OSVERI_WPArbeits-Paket: Beispieltabelle für die Verw. von ABAP OS
OSVERI_WPRESPArbeits-Paket/Verantw.: Beisp. für die Verw. von ABAP OS
PLMM_ACT_BRELRelationships in GOS Environment
POC_DB_APPL_STEPDomain Model: Application Steps
POC_DB_COMMANDDomain Model: Table for Step Commands
POC_DB_CONF_REQDomain Model: Table for Signature Requests
Application Platform Tables
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