DEVCLASS Field in SAP | Package Data Element using tables

DEVCLASS is a data element in SAP used for storing Package data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this DEVCLASS field in SAP.

  • Data Element : DEVCLASS
  • Description : Package
  • Data Type :CHAR

Package tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using DEVCLASS Field

ACC_INPH3_DYNPRORegister of screens for field pairs from ACC_INPH3_PAIRS
ACG_GEN_DEV_REQDevclass and request number
ACG_GEN_DEV_REQ1Devclass and request number
ACLPERMISAccess Control List for Package Use Access
AGR_LSDRole attributes
AGSRBE_OBJ_ADD_AAdditional Object Attributes ( Application Component, ... )
AGS_BPCA_C_EXMPTExemptions for Test only Once
AGS_BPCA_ISECTBPCA: Result Item Details
AGS_BPCA_S_EXMPTExemptions for Test only Once - Shipped by SAP
AGS_EJR_TEMPHEADJob Documentation Template Management
AGS_TBOM_FRMWK_FTBOM:Filter for Framework Objects
AKB_EXCEPTObsolete: Usage Exceptions of Basis Objects by Application
AKB_EXCEPT2Obsolete: Shadow Table for AKB_EXCEPT
AKB_EXCEPTIONSObsolete: Usage Exceptions of Basis Objects by Application
AKB_EXCEPTIONS2Obsolete: Usage Exceptions of Basis Objects by Application
AKB_EXCEPT_TESTObsolete: Usage Exceptions of Basis Objects by Application
AKB_EXPT_TO_SENDObsolete: Usage Exceptions of Basis Objects by Application
AKB_PRODUCTSProduct Catalog
AKB_TRANS_CHECKObsolete: Compatibility Control
AKB_USG_INFOObsolete: Additional Information for Client Objects
ANST_NOTE_SEA_PTrace Notes Search Item
APAUSEDBasis Objects Used in Other Packages
APAUSED_TESTBasis Objects Used in Other Packages
APTREEApplication Hierarchy
AXT_CAT_MAINCatalogue of an generation collection
AXT_SYSTABExtensibility Tool System Table
BDM_GNBDOCFor storing the Generated BDoc type naming conventions
BMA_CONSBOR Migration: Usage of BOR Constants in Programs
BMA_WLSTBOR Migration Assistant: Global Worklist
BPUM_DEVCLConversion: Development Classes to be Considered
BRATEXTIndustry texts
BSSOA_FNDPACKAGEFoundation Package Defintion Business Suite SOA
BTFR_TREX_PACKValid TREX Packages for OTR Texts
BUMF_DECOOnly SAP Internal: SUMF: DECO Where-Used List
CAPTREEApplication Hierarchy
CDBC_C_T681ACDB: Applications
CDBC_C_T681VCDB: Usage
CDBC_C_T681ZCDB: Dep. Data according to Combination of Application/Usage
CLS_RUN_ASSGNMNTClassifications of objects in a result list
CLS_RUN_COUNTERSResult of condition checks
CLS_RUN_DISTRNumber of classifications that have a specific value
CLS_RUN_OBJECTSObjects that passed the condition check
CLS_SETTINGSPackages and requests and other settings
CMPOBJCustomizing Comparison: Object Description
CMPWLCustomizing Comparison: Worklist Items
CMSC_BRE_SCENBusiness Scenario Definition
CMSC_LO_APPLApplication definition
CMSC_LO_APPL_TApplication definition for resale order framework
CMSC_LO_APP_PRFProfile mapping for applications
CMSC_LO_EXTNDefine extensions for resale order - Attributes
CMSC_LO_PRFProfile definition for resale order framework - Attributes
CMSC_LO_PRFDEFProfile definition for resale order framework
CMSC_LO_STAGRPDefine status groups
CMSC_LO_STAPRFApplication status profile definition
CNVCDMCCA_BADISCDMC : BADIs Implemented in the system
CNVCDMCCA_BTESCDMC : Active Customer BTEs in the system
CNVCDMCCA_DEVCTab to store selectd Dev Classes in the Cntrl sys for Prj ID
CNVCDMCCA_OBJSCDMC : Customer Objects and SAP Mods for Clearing Analysis
CNVCDMCCA_SRCCDMC: Customer Objects and SAP Mods for Syntax Check
CNVCDMCCTS_BADISCDMC : CTS Table to store the BADIs identified
CNVCDMCCTS_EXITSCDMC : CTS Table to store the User Exits identified
CNVCDMCCTS_OBJSCDMC : Customer Objects and SAP Mods for CTS project
CNVCDMCUCIA_EXCLList Of excluded Objects
CNVCDMCUCIA_OBJSCDMC : UCIA - Objects in the Customer Namespace
CNVCDMCUCIA_STATStatistics data collected from the Statistics system
CNVCDMC_BPCACDMC Table for BPCA interface with mapping and TBOM info
CNVCDOPCA_BADISCDOP : BADIs Implemented in the system
CNVCDOPCA_BTESCDOP : Active Customer BTEs in the system
CNVCDOPCA_OBJSCDOP : Customer Objects and SAP Mods for Clearing Analysis
CNVCDOPUCIA_OBJSCDOP : UCIA - Objects in the Customer Namespace
CNVCMIS_A_1_CMOScmod vs smod informatiion for cmis analyis
CNVCMIS_A_1_DEVCDevelopment Class Table(CMIS)
CNVMBTDEVCLDevclasses used for package development
CNVPACKConversion: Conversion packages
CNVTDMS_06_USTABUser Tables in Sending System
CNV_MBT_UT_CASESUnit test cases
CONTAINERINFOCollection of all Container Fields
CRATEXTIndustry Texts
CRMCHKOBJAObject Attributes
CRMCHKRESLFindings (Display LoaD)
CRMC_BL_APPLApplication Scenario
CRMC_BL_APPSETApplication Set
CTS_AIM_TRC_OBJTransport Objects triggering an AIM trace
CTS_AIM_TRC_STMStatements used in AIM execution
CUSDVCLANGDevelopment Class: Original Language for Table Entries
CUSDVCORIGDevelopment Class: Original Location for Table Entries
DBDIFFINFOFurther Info on DBDIFF (Differences between DD and DB)
DCERRLISTDD: Tabelle für die Speicherung fehlerhafter DD-Objekte
DDREPLICATORVIDD: Information on Metadata Transfer
DDSHENTITYTable of data elements which need the value table help
DELDYNPSList of Table Screens
DEVC_APPDevelopment Class Within the Application Hierarchy
DEVC_APXChanges Within the Translation Hierarchy (DEVC_APP)
DFBUFF01Cache for Assignment Object Data
DITCOKOEnhanced Constants for PPS Orders
DOKSHDocumentation Statistics History
DOSSHDocumentation: Short Text Statistics History
DOSSODocumentation: Short Text Statistics - Object-Specific
DRATEXTIndustry texts
DRP_SMTC_DEVCLDEV Reporting (SE28): Control Table for Current Run
DRP_SMTC_HISTDEV Reporting (SE28): Metrics Data
DSYS_TRANS_DEVCLHRDSYS: Object Not to be Translated (Except DE, EN)
DYNPSScreens with Critical Input/Output Fields with Type LANG
E070MCTS: Target Package/Layer for Requests
E070M__PREVIEWTranspt Req. Preview: Target Package/Target Transport Layer
E2ET_UPLSENVI_FTBPCA: UPL data in ENVI format to be used in STATIC TBOM filt
ECSCR_SUT_MDObject Under Test Metadata
ECSTAT_LOCOverview of Distribution LoC Acc. to Packages and App. Comp.
ECSTAT_OBJECTOverview of eCATT Objects Acc. to Package and AC
ECSTAT_TESTDRVOverview of Test Drivers According to Packages and AC.
ELEMDIRDevelopment Element Catalog (Exc. TADIR Object/Func. Module)
ESH_OM_AOTYPObject Types
ESH_OM_COTYPObject Types
ESH_OM_IOTYPObject Types
ESH_OM_SOTYPObject Types
ESH_OM_SYSRELProduct Versions
EUIMPORTTransport characteristics of imported objects
EWUCUPAKETContains the individual packages for user-defined objects
FDT_ADMN_0203FDT: GTABKEY - ID, Request, System, Dev. Pack., Registration
FDT_APPL_0000FDT: Application Data
FDT_APPL_0000AFDT: Application Data
FDT_APPL_0000SFDT: Application Data
FDT_APPL_0000TFDT: Application Data
FDT_REPO_0025FDT: Information table for deletetd customer defined EXTYs
GLOSSARY3Glossary Table
GODIRCentral Object Directory (Contains All Known Objects)
GSUBT_LOCALControl Table for GSUBTYPE Registration
GTADIRGlobal Object Directory
GTADIRAGlobal Object List (Change and Transport System)
HOTPACKMODSet Development/Maintenance Mode at Package Level
INDDEVCIndustry Sector Package as Range Entries
INDTABSShort Text Conversion: Table Attributes
INDTEX2Short Text Conversion: Industry Sector Texts
INDTEXTIndustry texts
INTFPackage Interfaces
IODIRDirectory of Inconsistent Repository Objects
IQICATDBInfoSet Query API: InfoSet Catalog
IQQCATDBInfoSet Query API: Query Catalog
IUUC_KB_AIM_GENTables processed by AIMs
IUUC_TABLEStables to be processed by IUUC
IUUC_TABLESVtables to be processed by IUUC - version table
IUUC_TABLE_EVALIUUC Table analysis: evaluation of table usage (SAP)
IUUC_TABLE_EVALCIUUC Table analysis: evaluation of table usage (customer)
IUUC_TAB_EVALCVIUUC Table analysis: evaluation of table usage (customer)
IUUC_TAB_EVALUATIUUC Table analysis: evaluation of table usage - OBSOLETE
IUUC_TAB_EVALVIUUC Table analysis: evaluation of table usage (SAP)
IWBKEYWRDInfo Workbench: Keywords (language-independent information)
IWR3LRESResults of Help Links Check
IWREFERENCIWB: Info Object Where-Used References
IWTREFERENCIWB: Info Object Where-Used References
KTADIRDirectory of Repository Objects
LANGTR1Assignment: Language - translator - development class
LANGTR2Translation exclusions
LCOLOBJObject List
LWRKOBJObject lists for worklists
LWRKOTRObject lists for worklists
LWRKSTAOTRTranslation statistics
LWRKSTATTranslation statistics
LWRKTRANSTranslator performance
LXE_DOMA_2Package Assignment to Domains
MCOBJECTSMultiple Client Analysis: Object List
MERGEDIRMerge - Control Table
MODSAPAAttributes SAP Extensions
N2DTIS-H*MED: Table of Documentation Categories
NWBC_CFG_GUI_TAGDefinition of SAPGUI Tags which can be linked to Chips
NWBC_C_GUI_TAGDefinition of SAPGUI Tags by Customer
OXT_CUS_DEVCLASSPackages and Systems
OXT_CUS_PRJObject Extension Projects
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
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