BEZEI20 Field in SAP | Description Data Element using tables

BEZEI20 is a data element in SAP used for storing Description data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this BEZEI20 field in SAP.

  • Data Element : BEZEI20
  • Description : Description
  • Data Type :CHAR

Description tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using BEZEI20 Field

AD01C_CTTApportionment reason text
BBPC_BU_SCH_ID_TConfigurable Partner Schema: Identifier: Texts
BBPC_EVENT_OB_TTexts for Event Object Types
BBPC_PROC_TYPE_TTexts for Business Transaction Types
BBPC_SUBOB_CAT_TTexts for Business Transaction Object Types
BBP_T618TModes of Transport: Descriptions
CC2TEST_T005STTaxes: Province Key: Texts
CDBC_CLASSIF_TCDB Customer Classification Texts
CDBC_T005PValidation of tax keys
CMCDT_1TMaster Data Texts for Category
CMCDT_2TMaster Data Texts for Subcategory
CMCDT_3TMaster Data Texts for Segment
CMCDT_4TMaster Data Texts for Subsegment
CMCDT_5TMaster Data Texts for Sub-Subsegment
CMCDT_6TMaster Data Texts for Product Group
CMCDT_7TMaster Data Texts for Brand
CMMD_CDT1TMaster Data Texts Category
CMMD_CDT2TMaster Data Texts Subcategory
CMMD_CDT3TMaster Data Text Segment
CMMD_CDT4TMaster Data Texts Subsegment
CMMD_CDT5TMaster Data Texts Sub-Subsegment
CMMD_CDT6TMaster Data Texts Product Group
CMMD_CDT7TMaster Data Texts Brand
CMWC_MBA_REGIONRegion details : Taxes: Region Key: Texts
CRMC_ATTR01_TAttribute 1 (Business Partner)
CRMC_ATTR02_TDescription: Attribute 2 (Business Partner)
CRMC_ATTR03_TDescription: Attribute 3 (Business Partner)
CRMC_ATTR04_TDescription: Attribute 4 (Business Partner)
CRMC_ATTR05_TDescription: Attribute 5 (Business Partner)
CRMC_ATTR06_TDescription: Attribute 6 (Business Partner)
CRMC_ATTR07_TDescription: Attribute 7 (Business Partner)
CRMC_ATTR08_TDescription: Attribute 8 (Business Partner)
CRMC_ATTR09_TDescription: Attribute 9 (Business Partner)
CRMC_ATTR10_TDescription: Attribute 10 (Business Partner)
CRMC_BUPA_CBBL_TBilling Blocking Reason: Description
CRMC_BUPA_CDBL_TDelivery Blocking Reason: Description
CRMC_BUPA_COBL_TOrder Blocking Reason: Description
CRMC_CLASSIF_TDescription: Customer Classification
EANC_GTIN_VTTDescription of GTIN variant types
GWA_REGION_MAPRegion details : Taxes: Region Key: Texts
JJT179TMaterials: Product Hierarchies: Texts
MMPREF_PRO_01_BLog table - Preference - Information from rules
MMPREK_PRO_01_BLog table - Preference - Info from rule
MMPREW_PRO_01_BPreference CPG: Log - Information from rule
N1PRPATIS-H*MED: PATREG: Patientenstammdatentabelle
N1PRTMPPATIS-H*MED: PATREG: Temporäre Patientenstammdatentabelle
N1PRTMPPATLOCIS-H*MED: PATREG: NPAT umgeschlüsselt auf N1PRPAT lokal
OIRCLPCTSSR Pricing - Location price cluster: Texts
OIRCMDPGTSSR Pricing - Material difference price group: Texts
OIRCPCRTSSR Pricing - Change reason: Texts
OIRCSCTFDDEFSTField Definition Texts - Meter Maintenance
OIRCSDPGTSSR Pricing - Service type differences group: Texts
OIRCTVKDTSSR Pricing - Location Margin Procedure: Texts
OIRCTVKVTSSR Pricing - Business type Margin Procedure: Texts
OIRC_ACCGRTSSR Meters - Meter access profile texts
OIRC_FUELS_PRTSSR - Processing profile texts
RDMT_CUST_TYPETCustomer Types Texts
RDMT_MED_TYPETMedia Types Texts
SMOT005FCounty: Texts
SMOT005HCity: Texts
SMOT005UTaxes: Region Key: Texts
SMOT176TSales Documents: Customer Order Types: Texts
SMOT178TConditions: Groups for Materials: Texts
SMOT188TConditions: Groups for Customer Classes: Texts
SMOT681BConditions: Applications: Texts
SMOT681WConditions: Usage: Texts
SMOT686BConditions: Exclusion Indicator: Texts
SMOTKUKTCustomers: Customer classification: Texts
SMOTLGRTRoutes: Loading Groups: Texts
SMOTMVFTAvailability check control: Texts
SMOTNLSTDescription of Nielsen Indicators
SMOTPRITCustomers: Delivery Prioritiy Texts
SMOTPTMTMaterials: Item Category Groups in Mat.Master: Texts
SMOTTGRTShipping Scheduling: Transportation Groups: Texts
SMOTVAKTSales Document Types: Texts
SMOTVAPTSales document item categories: Texts
SMOTVASBAction Procedure: Texts
SMOTVEPTSales Documents: Schedule Line Categories: Texts
SMOTVFKTBilling: Document Types: Texts
SMOTVFMTForeign Trade: Mat. Pricing Groups in Export - Descriptions
SMOTVFSTBilling : Blocking Reason Texts
SMOTVKDTCustomer Pricing Procedures: Texts
SMOTVKMTMaterial: Account Assignment Group Texts
SMOTVKTTCustomers: Account Determination Groups: Texts
SMOTVKVTPricing Procedures: Procedure: Texts
SMOTVLSTDeliveries: Blocking Reasons/Criteria: Texts
SMOTVLVTRelease order usage ID: Texts
SMOTVLZTValidity Period Category: Texts
SMOTVMSTMaterials: SD Status: Texts
SMOTVSDTCustomers: Statistics groups: Texts
SMOTVSMTMaterials: Statistics groups: Texts
SMOTVUVOIncompletion Control: Object Category Texts
SMOTVUVTIncompletion Control: Texts for Procedures
SMOTVV1TCustomer group 1: Description
SMOTVV2TCustomer group 2: Description
SMOTVV3TCustomer group 3: Description
SMOTVV4TCustomer group 4: Description
SMOTVV5TCustomer group 5: Description
SMOTZONTCustomers: Regional Zone Texts
T005FCounty: Texts
T005HCity: Texts
T005PValidation of tax keys
T005UTaxes: Region Key: Texts
T026TLanguage-dependent purchasing area
T176TSales Documents: Customer Order Types: Texts
T178TConditions: Groups for Materials: Texts
T188TConditions: Groups for Customer Classes: Texts
T318TTexts for Picking Waves Profiles
T459TAvailability Check: Requirement and Planning Types: Texts
T459YReqmts types for sales and distribution: texts
T604XPreference: Procedure - Description
T606RLegal Control: Legal Regulation Descriptions
T606SLegal Control: Grouping of Dest. Countries - Descriptions
T618TForeign Trade: Mode of Transport Descriptions
T620TTexts for Alloc. Tbl Doc. Types
T622TTexts for Allocation Rule Document Types
T625TTexts for Field Rel. for Info Structure
T681BConditions: Applications: Texts
T681TConditions: Fast Entry: Texts
T681WConditions: Usage: Texts
T686BConditions: Exclusion Indicator: Texts
T6WFGTDegree of Fashion
T6WP1TCheck table, supply source entry
T6WP2TCheck table, supply source keys
T6WSTTexts to describe season indicators
T7RUGZGarnishment: Region Key: Texts
T7RU_005YKLADR: Regions - territorial entity
TAVGTDecsription of Warehouse Activities
TB2BJTTrading Contract: Item Category Descriptions
TB2BWEBSTTTrading Contract Web Status Text Table
TBRGTAuthorization Group Names
TCSPTCross-Selling Profile: Definition: Texts
TCWBCRCFTAB-CWB: Reasons for Complaint - Change Fields
TFRMTFORM Routines for Reqs./Formulae/Data Transports: Texts
TJG72TIS-M/SD: Texts for Info Views
TJHBTIS-M/SD: Sales Documents - Texts for Screen Sequence Groups
TJHFTIS-M/SD Sales Documents - Texts for Field Selection Groups
TJJPRDH_TAGROLTIS-M/AM: Text Table Agency Role (S&P Product Hierarchy)
TJJPRDH_TFGPARTIS-M/AM: Product Hierarchy (S&P): Text Table External BP
TJJPRDH_TGFELDTIS-M/AM: Product Hierarchy S&P): Business Areas Text Table
TJJPRDH_TMGPARTIS-M/AM: Product Hierarchy (S&P): Text Table IS-M BPartner
TJKW5IS-M/SD: WBZ, Form-of-Address Key
TJL20IS-M/SD: Texts for Customer Account Assignment Groups for SC
TJL22IS-M/SD: Texts for Customer Acct Assgmt Groups for SC Emps
TJL24IS-M/SD: Texts for Employment Types for SC Employees
TJV50IS-M/SD: Activity Classification
TKUKTCustomers: Customer classification: Texts
TLDGTCountry Groups, Texts
TLGRTRoutes: Loading Groups: Texts
TLOGTDescriptions for Logistics Handling Groups
TMCEXMPTMultiprocess Modes Logistic Extraction Texts
TMCWWTTexts for descriptions of time of day classes
TMETTDescription for unit of measure categories
TMFATMarkdown Planning - markdown plan, short text
TMFGTMaterial freight groups: Descriptions
TMFKTAgency Business: Document Type Texts
TMKVTAgency Business: Calculation Schema Transaction Texts
TMVFTAvailability check control: Texts
TMZRTAgency Business: Payment Type Texts
TNLSTDescription of Nielsen Indicators
TOIGMDTYPTTD - Master Data Type - Description
TPRITCustomers: Delivery Priority: Texts
TPTMTMaterials: Item Category Groups in Mat.Master: Texts
TPVDTProduct Proposal: Texts for Customer Procedure
TPVHTProduct Proposal: Texts for Source Indicator
TPVSMTProduct Proposal: Texts for Procedure Definition
TPVVTProduct Proposal: Transaction Texts
TRRLCGTAgency Business: Text Table for TRRLCG
TRRLRGTAgency Business: Text Table for TRRLRG
TRSE2Reset objects to be made productive: Texts
TSAOBAddress objects
TSFGTForward. Agent-Freight Groups:Descriptn
TTDSTOrganizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point: Texts
TTGRTShipping Scheduling: Transportation Groups: Texts
TTSGTDescription of Reason for Shipment Block
TTXGTText processing: Text ID groups: Texts
TTXZTWord processing: Access sequence texts
TVAKTSales Document Types: Texts
TVAPTSales document item categories: Texts
TVASBAction Procedure: Texts
TVCPTSales docs: Texts for modules from TVCPA,TVCPF,TVCPL,TTXVR
TVDCTDelivery Times: Texts
TVE1TShipping Unit Group 1: Texts
TVE2TShipping Unit Group 2: Texts
TVE3TShipping Unit Group 3: Texts
TVE4TShipping Unit Group 4: Texts
TVE5TShipping Unit Group 5: Texts
TVEGRTMaterial Group: Packaging Materials: Designations
TVEPTSales Documents: Schedule Line Categories: Texts
TVETTSchedule line types for sched.agreements: Texts
TVFKTBilling: Document Types: Texts
TVFMTForeign Trade: Mat. Pricing Groups in Export - Descriptions
TVFTTShipment Cost Item Categories: Descriptions
TVGRTOrganizational Unit: Sales Groups: Texts
TVHBTSD documents: Screen sequence group texts
TVHFTSD Documents: Field Selection Group Texts
TVKBTOrganizational Unit: Sales Offices: Texts
TVKDTCustomer Pricing Procedures: Texts
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
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Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
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Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
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