List of SAP official partner companies with SAP Cloud Procurement Sell Authorization in Germany. At present total 10 companies found in various cities as per our database (not completed).You can view the company name, city, partner level & contact details.
Company | City | Level | Phone |
Atos Information Technology GmbH | München | Platinum | +49 (211) 399-0 |
BearingPoint GmbH | Frankfurt | Silver | +49 (69) 13022-0 |
CSC Deutschland GmbH | Wiesbaden | Platinum | +49 (61) 1142 0 |
QSC AG | Köln | Gold | +49 (221) 669 8661 |
itelligence AG | Bielefeld | Platinum | +49 (521) 9144-80 |
IBM Deutschland GmbH IBM Global Business Services | Ehningen | Platinum | +49 (7034) 15-0 |
T-Systems International GmbH | Frankfurt am Main | Platinum | +49 (69) 66531-0 |
MHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbH Film- und Medienzentrum | Ludwigsburg | Gold | +49 (7) 1417 8560 |
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH | Dresden | Platinum | +49 (351) 2820-5555 |
apsolut GmbH | Bielefeld | Silver | +49 (521) 1639090 |