SAP PY-ZA module Tables | Tables & Fields

PY-ZA is a SAP sub-module coming under PY module and SAP_HRCUS component.Total 16 PY-ZA tables are stored in our database.View these tables by sub modules wise coming under SAP PY-ZA.

  • Module description :
  • Parent Module : PY
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SAP PY-ZA Tables

  • T5W10 : Link pay scale groups to occupational level. - Equity
  • T5W11 : Link pay scale groups to occupational level. - Equity
  • T5W13 : Link job category occupational level Employment equity.
  • T5W30 : Termination categories
  • T5W31 : Termination Categories
  • T5W61 : SARS Interface : Status Check Table
  • T5W62 : SARS Interface : Status Description
  • T5W63 : SARS Interface : Run Attributes
  • T5W64 : SARS Interface : Employee Status
  • T5W65 : SARS Interface : Certificates Issued
  • T5W66 : SARS Interface : PAYE Reference Number Attributes
  • T5W67 : SARS Interface : Definition of Electronic Tax Certificate
  • T5W68 : SARS Interface : Record Types
  • T5W70 : UIF Interface : Run Attributes
  • T5W71 : UIF interface : Reference number attributes
  • T5W72 : UIF interface: Runs per UIF reference number

PY-ZA Related modules & tables

Module NameDescription
PY-AT (View full list of 78 Tables)
PY-AT-PS (View full list of 31 Tables)
PY-AU (View full list of 9 Tables)
PY-AU-PS (View full list of 118 Tables)
PY-BE (View full list of 132 Tables)
PY-BE-PS (View full list of 27 Tables)
PY-BR (View full list of 17 Tables)
PY-CA (View full list of 67 Tables)
PY-CA-RP (View full list of 1 Tables)
PY-CH (View full list of 63 Tables)
PY-CH-PS (View full list of 5 Tables)
PY-DE (View full list of 108 Tables)
PY-DE-BA (View full list of 23 Tables)
PY-DE-CI (View full list of 60 Tables)
PY-DE-GR-PT (View full list of 1 Tables)
PY-DE-NT-GR (View full list of 4 Tables)
PY-DE-NT-NI (View full list of 127 Tables)
PY-DE-NT-TX (View full list of 41 Tables)
PY-DE-PS (View full list of 237 Tables)
PY-DE-PS-VA (View full list of 138 Tables)
PY-DE-RP-ST (View full list of 11 Tables)
PY-DK (View full list of 101 Tables)
PY-ES (View full list of 10 Tables)
PY-FI (View full list of 67 Tables)
PY-FR (View full list of 151 Tables)
PY-FR-PS (View full list of 140 Tables)
PY-GB (View full list of 36 Tables)
PY-GB-BA (View full list of 6 Tables)
PY-GB-PS (View full list of 144 Tables)
PY-IE (View full list of 5 Tables)
PY-IN-PS (View full list of 171 Tables)
PY-IT (View full list of 64 Tables)
PY-JP (View full list of 29 Tables)
PY-KR (View full list of 24 Tables)
PY-MX (View full list of 46 Tables)
PY-MX-PS (View full list of 17 Tables)
PY-MY (View full list of 7 Tables)
PY-NL-RP (View full list of 149 Tables)
PY-NO (View full list of 46 Tables)
PY-NO-PS (View full list of 20 Tables)
PY-NPO (View full list of 171 Tables)
PY-NZ (View full list of 43 Tables)
PY-PH (View full list of 23 Tables)
PY-PT (View full list of 28 Tables)
PY-PT-PS (View full list of 70 Tables)
PY-RU (View full list of 62 Tables)
PY-SE (View full list of 3 Tables)
PY-SG (View full list of 4 Tables)
PY-SG-PS (View full list of 179 Tables)
PY-US (View full list of 111 Tables)
PY-US-FP-TP (View full list of 22 Tables)
PY-US-GR-BI (View full list of 17 Tables)
PY-US-NT-TX-BSI (View full list of 29 Tables)
PY-US-PS (View full list of 118 Tables)
PY-US-RP-TR (View full list of 39 Tables)
PY-XX (View full list of 363 Tables)
PY-XX-BS (View full list of 3 Tables)
PY-XX-DT (View full list of 45 Tables)
PY-XX-FO (View full list of 69 Tables)
PY-XX-GP (View full list of 5 Tables)
PY-XX-IE (View full list of 3 Tables)
PY-XX-OC (View full list of 20 Tables)
PY-XX-PS (View full list of 3 Tables)
PY-XX-RS (View full list of 253 Tables)
PY-XX-TL (View full list of 49 Tables)
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